This is my first blog and for those who do not know me I am a 29 year old wife and mother of two, that has grown up singing and dancing. It is and has always been a very large part of who God created me to be. Currently I am the director of a dance studio that is a ministry of our church. I have fought the weight battle for years and have taken a sabbatical this summer to iron out my personal life that I may be more affective as a wife and mother, as well as a Director and Evangelist.
It is obvious to me now that if I am going to change; mentally, spiritually, and physically, the hours that the Lord will mold me and shape me are in the middle of the night. When children are sleeping and silence falls on the house. Only the dryer and the filter in the fish tank are running creating a nice white noise that my mind can ignore. Praise God for silence.
This is a turning point for me. A new beginning. If God can forgive me of my past surely he can forgive me of my gluttony and heal me totally from the inside out.
Ouch. I am a type D personality and to have this challenge laid out before me in black and white helps me to see how truly passive I have become about my health.
I have gone through all the necessary prerequisites for lap band surgery, but me 300 lb active self is battling over the decision to go through with it.
It would not be the easy way. In fact, it is probably much more difficult than if God would just do His thing in me and give me self Control. A fruit of the Spirit I evidently lack.
So here is my fleece. For 1 month I will blog my emotional, siritual and physical, asking God for deliverance and weight loss. I will write positive and neative thoughts and weigh myself periodically so I don't get discouraged. I will submit my flesh to the Lord and fast all sugar, coffee, soda, and bread fro 30 days.(Currently these are staples in my diet.) I will use my Garden as a place of nourishiment and cut my portions down to what they are supposed to be.
I will also spend at least 30 munutes alone with God each day and 30 minutes working out. I have a fleece thrown out before God and I am going to test His Word.
Jeremiah 31 verses 3 and 4
I have loved you with an everlasting love
I hae drawn you with loving kindness
I will build you up again
and you will be rebuil, O Virgin Israel
Again you will take up your tambourines
and go out to dance with the joyful.
Thank you God. Oh that you love a sinner like me, an obese, washed up former shell of who you have called me to be. I see in you not the past Cori, but a new Cori, that accepts your everlasting love. God your word says you have drawn me with love and kindness. Even now you looked at me with grace and mercy. The promise "I will build you up again, and you will be rebuilt," I hold onto and lay before you God, that you will reconstruct me and renew me and cause me to be better in all way then before. And that again God, I will dance with Joy!
Sweetheart, I am standing with you in this and I know that God has great things in store for us. Remember, these struggles are only there to finally bring victory in our life. I love you!!
ReplyDeleteI am also here for you! You are so special, talented, and beautiful. As a child I remember watching you perform on stage WOW; your energy, enthusiasm, talent, joy and determination, you were “My Big Sister” and I was proud of it!
ReplyDeleteAll the qualities I saw in you then, I still see in you now. I have always been so proud of you. You are the most beautifully talented women I have ever known, and I mean that with all my heart. I have always been your biggest fan, and I always will be, no matter what the circumstance looks like; 1st place in a dance competition, the lead role in a musical, or concurring unhealthy eating habits. I believe in you! If there is anyone in this world that can do it, it’s you Cori; It’s important to me that your happy. I think walking running after the Lord is how you will find Victory. Trust in the lord with this, He will help guide you to wholeness again. You are a designers original, when He made you Cori He must have said,” Now that’s a masterpiece” I love you with all of my heart. If you need anything reach out to me, Its hard for me to know exactly what to do or say, but I never want you to think I don’t care, or I’m to busy, you’re my sister and family comes first.
Enjoy life! Don’t look forward to dancing, JUST DANCE….