Friday, December 31, 2010

10 Years of Life, Lessons, and Love

Amazingly my husband and I just had our 10 year anniversary on December 30, 2010. I write amazingly because time has truly flown by since meeting him in 1998. We have a remarkable dating and engagement story, but I think so much more has happened in the last 10 years that our story is fascinatingly appealing if you are someone who likes to see the hand of God moving and working in peoples lives. In the past 10 years we have had tragedy, testings, and triumphs. We have grown both spiritually and developed physically. We have set our sights on the possibilities that are just beyond our reach and learned to trust that God's love is always present and His desire for us is to bless us and keep us in right relationship with Him.

When asked by my husband, "After 10 years, what do you love about me?" My response was that in 10 years he has shown me that he IS the man I hoped he would be when we said I Do. Faithful. Loving. A Man of Faith. Trustworthy. An incredible Dad. Loves me and has loved me through pregnancies, weight gain, weight loss, temporary periods of insanity and overall life. He is who I wanted in a life- long partner. He is my night in shining armor.

In 10 Years I have graduated from College, Lost my grandma (maternal) and granddad (paternal), started a dance studio ministry, a theater ministry,a dance company, a coffee shop, a musical theater program in a local christian school, and I am currently planting a church with my husband. I have given birth to two beautiful children. Samuel, who was born with Highland's Membrane Disease. ( His lungs just didn't want to work right the first 7 days of life.) He is totally healed from that and a very active, very handsome, very smart 6 soon to be 7 year old. Zion was born with spina bifida . She had a teathered chord and had surgery at 6 months to correct it. Now 3 years later she has been given a complete bill of health. Jeremiah and I praise God for this recent confirmation of her complete healing. We found this news out in October of 2010.

So now we look to the next 10 years and what they will bring. Jeremiah and I are looking forward to taking on life together. Sharing Jesus with people around us, holding each other during times of tragedy and celebrating during the times of triumph! If you know us, we hope you feel a part of our family. It is our desire to live life with you and be there for you. We are always asking God to Bless you and Keep you!

To Everyone may 2011 bring you closer in relationship with the Lord as you seek His will and plan for your life. Be blessed in your coming and going. Stay prayerful and loving.
God Bless.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Today I am not just a pastor's wife, a preacher of the gospel, or a church staff member.
Today I am not going to allow what other people say or do hold a negative affect on my life.
Today, September 19, 2010, I will be a part of something truly amazing. My husband I will be proud of and fall in love with all over again. Today is the day we open our church doors to the public, we bare our souls to the world and share what a great and awesome God we serve. This is the day. This is that day. That will forever be a part of who we are. Thank you God for Today!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A church like none other.

A church like none other? Hmmm. I think that there are some likenesses that will be at the Intersection in comparison to other great bible teaching churches. We love Jesus. That is very much like other churches. We love kids. Also a great attribute to have that is shared with many churches. We believe in passionate Holy Spirit lead worship and preach the word of God out the Bible. Also something found at other churches that seek after the will of God. So what makes us different?
Jeremiah and I are different. We have a love and passion for the people who have given up on their dreams and connect to musicians and creative types by listening and encouraging them to use their gifts for God. We love to celebrate and have a good time! We are a couple who for the last 11 years have been faithful to each other and blessed to be given the awesome opportunity to parent two beautiful children. But lots of pastor's are blessed to be parents. So why are we different......

God has called us to Gettysburg and beyond to shine a light in a very dark place. To share Jesus with those who have not heard or who have walked away from the Father's love. To those who once had dreams of being somebody and now feel depressed and dejected. We believe in the life altering power of Jesus Christ and we believe that through prayer and daily seeking after a relationship with God, we as humans can find our purpose and passion, reigniting the dreams and hopes that God inscribed at one point in our hearts. We are a couple who believes in miracles and a second chance to live life with hope and happiness. We believe not only in you but we believe all the hopes and dreams inside of you are God's way of leaving an indelible mark on us, your community. You were born with a purpose and have been called to such a time as this. So shake off the depression, shake of the rejection and find your purpose and vision. Join us as we learn to Create, Connect, Contribute and Celebrate all God has called us to be! The Intersection...where Faith and Creativity Meet. Let us help you find your passion for life and your creator God!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Running in Circles never gets you to New Places!

AHHHHHH! Why is it that we as humans travel so quickly back to the things that are bad for us? We know that they can potentially devastate us and yet we pick up our bad habits as if they are a benefit to us. Willingly strapping on what ever atomic bomb best fits your temptations and failures and pretend like the explosion isn't going to eviscerate us or anyone we are close to. Sugar for me is that habit and I have been on a continuous down hill slope since Easter building up a tolerance to my drug of choice. So tomorrow I begin a 10 day liquid fast to break the control it has over my life. Again I seek the Lord for strength and wisdom but most importantly a surrender to Him. That is what I have been missing since Easter. My ability to will myself to surrender all that I crave and all that I am to Him. So I am taking a stand before I reach the point of denial and I cutting sugar out of my life. 10 days of spiritual journey for an outcome that I know will not only make me healthier but stronger spiritually. God doesn't call us to fast because we need to loose weight. He calls us to fast so that the heavy weight of sin can be lifted from us while we seek his face and turn from our wickedness. He calls us to fast not because he desires to hear us wine and complain but because He desires for us to die to our fleshly, carnal thoughts and step out in relationship with Him. There is a reason why it is so hard to give up food in a fast. It can control you. God has broken me from this addiction and now I can not turn back and pick up the habits of fast snacking, sugar and fast foods again. So Again I will beat my body into submission. I am asking God for a plan of health. The Holy Spirit will be my personal trainer for the rest of my life. Who else knows how my body works like God? So why wouldn't he have the solution. I am going to get on my knees and ask the Lord for a plan that will create discipline and structure in my life when it comes to food and excercise. I am going to ask God that my family will be set free from their sugar and junk food addictions and I will be a better mom and wife by not feeding them things that do not provide healthy fuel for the body to function. I am excited about this venture and I am writing it down so that as a part of my journey I can see how far I have come and remind myself that running in circles never gets you to new places.
This 10 days will be another part of my journey in learning my relationship with food. Even though I know what is best for me I have not applied it. What good is reading scripture if it doesn't affect your life? What good is knowing nutritional information if you don't use it to get healthy?
Done with this circle. Time to move on and I am headed for the next 10 days in a very straight line!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Path

written by Cori Herbert for the students of Freedom Christian Schools
A play developed from Psalm 139 that will be performed on May 6, 2010.
(Each line will be performed by a different student. Students will be standing all around the seating of the auditorium and on the stage. )

You know who I am. You know everything about me. You know the very secrets of my heart.

My action does not surprise you. Whether I jump, turn, sway or fall. You see me and knew my path before I chose.

Distance is nothing to you. For even though we are far apart.

You are near. So close that I can feel your very hand in my hand.

Whether I am away from my home or resting in my warm bed. You are there.

I can not run from you. I can not decide where to go with out you knowing where I will be.

You allow me to follow you into the ends of the Earth, into the deepest parts of your heart.

You follow me and protect me. Keeping watch of my back so no one will hurt me.

I feel like a child skipping into his mother's arms. Receiving a gently hug and a pat on the head. So proud you are of me.

The blessings and encouragement that you speak over my life overwhelm me. How do you see so much good in me.

I can't escape from your love. From the tallest mountain to the deepest valley you will find me.

I could be flying high on extreme emotions or living out my life in a desolate island and you would be there with me. Never alone.

I will never be alone. I will be guided by you and strengthened by you.

Even when I am seeking to hide from you, the darkness splinters and you see me as if I were a beacon of light on a dark night.

Like the only star in a moonless sky. You will see me.

Like you saw me in my mother's womb. Not even the Doctor's could predict how I would look or think.

You know how every part of my body works and how each cell was formed together to create

me. Thank you for making me. For choosing to create me.

You have so many thoughts about me. That amazes me. That you think about

me. When I lay down you are there and in the morning you are with me when I wake up to start my day.

Search every part of my thoughts and life. Rip out anything that causes you offense.

Show me the path.

Show me the path

Show me the path.

That leads to everlasting Life

That leads to you.

copyright 2010 Cori Herbert

Saturday, March 27, 2010



The First 7.
God's complete number multiplied in my life. It has been 7 months since my gastric bypass surgery. I have lost 102 pounds and have gained an incredible amount of confidence and security in knowing who I am in Jesus through this time. I have discovered a lot of who I was before I gained the weight and with that, also discovered why I gained the weight. God is so incredibly patient and faithful. The mysteries of the world He would show us if we would just take the time to seek Him and ask Him. So that is what I did. I found myself asking the following 7 questions.

The Second 7.
1. Who am I in you God?

Through prayer and fasting I received the following.....
You are my beautiful daughter. Amazingly made and fashioned in my image. In you I see someone who will love my people. Who will extend herself to those around you and give unselfishly to bring me glory. You are my chosen. My worker in a ready to harvest field of people that I love so dearly. I created you to be creative so that you can catch peoples attention in their hectic life and get permission from them to share the greatest story ever told. You are my compassion to a hopeless, love starved world and my creativity to world that lacks purpose. You are worth the greatest gift, My son. I see you in all you do. I am with you when you are crying for the lost and hurting and rejoicing over you as you seek me. You are my child. My daughter, whom I love.

2. What is my purpose?
( God spoke to me one morning while I was in devotion...)
I have never taken your calling or purpose away. I instilled you a dream and vision to evangelize and take back the arts. My arts that I created and enjoy. You gave up on your dream and your thoughts led you to a place of void and disaster. With out vision my people parish. When you left your food addiction take hold of your life you traded in your dreams for a life of unhappiness and depression. It is those dreams inside of you, the gifts and talents I gave you that drive you toward me. It is your creative expression that unites you and I in the spirit. I am at one with you when you dance. Others need to experience me like this, Others need to see how I dance with you. Your purpose is to use dance to bring others to me. Teaching others and showing others this side of me.

3. Why do I feel so unworthy?
God proceeded to show me that all the great men and women of faith in the bible felt unworthy and were. There was not one perfect among them yet by faith (Hebrew 11) they stepped out and followed God. Feeling are a human thing that often is bound in our flesh. We need to break away from the trap of following out feelings and allow the holy spirit to guide our thought. Instead of developing our inner man, our Ego or Id, we need to develop our spiritual man.

4. How can I be a better......

daughter to you Lord....
Meet with me daily and listen to me with an obedient heart.

wife to Jeremiah...
Remember that I have created you for him and he for you. Encourage him and build him up. Be supportive of his dreams and visions and know that they are from me. Keep your home a place of love and do away with contentious behavior. Love him unconditionally like I do you.

mother to Sam and Zion....
Patience. Just as I have waited for you to grow and mature, taking time to hold you and teach you, do the same for them. They are my precious ones. I have entrusted them to you for this time to train them and raise them up in my ways so that they will know me. I have great plans for them.

Leader of leaders...
This you need much work on. Serve others. Serve them regardless of how they treat you. Love them regardless of what they speak about you. Teach them how to be selfless and deeply care about them so they will recognize me in you.

5.When will I understand your timing and favor?
You may never understand but you will learn to appreciate that I am in control and know the order of the universe. You work out of your own ability to much and lack the desire to wait on me. Look to Jeremiah to establish your pace. Feverishly you work with out my favor because I have not called you to that work. Rely on my and I will not remove my face from you.

6. Am I growing in you Lord?
Being completely transparent with the world I have to admit that I feel like I am so infantile. I should be so much farther in my faith than what I am. I hunger so deeply for the Lord and yet I miss it so many times. Teach me Lord. I want to grow. I want to know and I want to show others more about you.

7. When do I most make you happy God?
Although I like it when you are dancing with me or singing with me, loving your husband through me or blessing your children in my name, you make me most happy when you spend time in my word and talk to me. I love you. I want to fellowship with you so you will know me more.

The last 7.
There are 7 days in a week. My goal is to meet with the Lord at least 7 minutes a day for 7 days a week for the next 7 weeks. A great habit that will totally change my life. I challenge everyone reading this to do the same. Pass it on and see what God does in our nation! Only He can change us. Only He can heal us.