Sunday, April 25, 2010

Running in Circles never gets you to New Places!

AHHHHHH! Why is it that we as humans travel so quickly back to the things that are bad for us? We know that they can potentially devastate us and yet we pick up our bad habits as if they are a benefit to us. Willingly strapping on what ever atomic bomb best fits your temptations and failures and pretend like the explosion isn't going to eviscerate us or anyone we are close to. Sugar for me is that habit and I have been on a continuous down hill slope since Easter building up a tolerance to my drug of choice. So tomorrow I begin a 10 day liquid fast to break the control it has over my life. Again I seek the Lord for strength and wisdom but most importantly a surrender to Him. That is what I have been missing since Easter. My ability to will myself to surrender all that I crave and all that I am to Him. So I am taking a stand before I reach the point of denial and I cutting sugar out of my life. 10 days of spiritual journey for an outcome that I know will not only make me healthier but stronger spiritually. God doesn't call us to fast because we need to loose weight. He calls us to fast so that the heavy weight of sin can be lifted from us while we seek his face and turn from our wickedness. He calls us to fast not because he desires to hear us wine and complain but because He desires for us to die to our fleshly, carnal thoughts and step out in relationship with Him. There is a reason why it is so hard to give up food in a fast. It can control you. God has broken me from this addiction and now I can not turn back and pick up the habits of fast snacking, sugar and fast foods again. So Again I will beat my body into submission. I am asking God for a plan of health. The Holy Spirit will be my personal trainer for the rest of my life. Who else knows how my body works like God? So why wouldn't he have the solution. I am going to get on my knees and ask the Lord for a plan that will create discipline and structure in my life when it comes to food and excercise. I am going to ask God that my family will be set free from their sugar and junk food addictions and I will be a better mom and wife by not feeding them things that do not provide healthy fuel for the body to function. I am excited about this venture and I am writing it down so that as a part of my journey I can see how far I have come and remind myself that running in circles never gets you to new places.
This 10 days will be another part of my journey in learning my relationship with food. Even though I know what is best for me I have not applied it. What good is reading scripture if it doesn't affect your life? What good is knowing nutritional information if you don't use it to get healthy?
Done with this circle. Time to move on and I am headed for the next 10 days in a very straight line!

1 comment:

  1. Cori,

    I know you can conquer this earthly demon and walk that straight line for Christ! YOU go girl!

    Wendy Raber
