Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Wow! What a year we have begun. So much happening and my spirit is try No to process and decompress all the information s happening. Cancer. How I hate that word. Hope. Found only in Jesus! 

In the past 9 months both my parents have been diagnosed with cancer. My dad Esophagus cancer stage 4 and my mother Pancreatic cancer no stage because of its agression.

What? Can this be happening? After 43 years where my parents were mostly healthy this smacks in the face. I am humbled but not dropped by this realization. In stead I fight. I fight with knowledge, nutrition, but most of all prayer. I fight the daily schedule of the world spinning while my world feels like it has abruptly stopped. But mostly O foght in prayer knowing that there is no name greater than the name of Jesus and His healing came with each stripe on his back.

So why do I struggle. Because I’m human. I struggle because my spirit man doesn’t always take my thoughts captive and I am trying to pray without ceasing knowing that all I really want to do is run away. You ask where is my faith? It is in the hands that f the savior of the World..